James Yates » Announcements


There has been a room fee set for the requested amount of $25.  This money is used to buy supplies that are used in the classroom to enhance teaching.  For example:  paper, printer ink, construction paper, glue, colored pencils, crayons, art paper, etc.  It will also be used to help with the health and hygiene of our classroom (tissues, cleaning wipes, etc).
If you cannot pay the full $25 up front, I will also accept it in $5 increments in order to make it easier for your family.
I accept book donations!!  I like to keep a large library in my classroom so students can have a great selection to choose from.  If you have books at home that you would like to get rid of, please consider giving them to me.  Even if you think I cannot use them, I frequently go to McKay's Bookstore to trade books I can't use for some that I can!  I ACCEPT ALL TYPES OF BOOKS!!


Please consider ordering books for your student from the website below.  The more your child reads, the better their grades will be.  You will also see their vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills increase.  When you order from the website below, my classroom account will receive points so I can increase my classroom library.  If you have ever been in my classroom, you should have noticed the large amount of books I have in my classroom library.  I am always looking to increase the choices for my students to have available to them. Every time I bring more books in the classroom, many of my students jump at the chance to start going through the new selection of books.  So your support in this area is greatly appreciated.

Click here to get great deals on some fabulous books and to help me add to my library.  Be sure to use my class code (LMKPC):  Scholastic Book Club